Morgan Miller Morgan Miller

How can I safeguard my mental health during postpartum?

How can I safeguard my mental health during postpartum? I’m so nervous about postpartum depression and anxiety creeping in…

Dear Healthy Headed,

Asking this question and preparing for support is one of the greatest things you can do! Let’s breakdown just a bit more about what’s going on with mental health in the postpartum period too.

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Morgan Miller Morgan Miller

What's the best way feed a newborn?

Whats the best way to feed a newborn? I’m overwhelmed by people’s opinions!

Dear Feeding Frenzy,

It can be quite overwhelm to decide how to nourish your little one once they’re on the outside. Let’s break down options into a few basics for just a bit of guidance:

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Pregnancy Morgan Miller Pregnancy Morgan Miller

Can I use insurance for a home birth?

Dear Fiscally Savvy,

The quick answer to whether you can bill for midwifery services is a resounding YES!

We have a phenomenal biller, Jen Vracin of Roots Billing, on staff and insurance filing is included included in pregnancy care. Jen is the magic guru of all things insurance billing and she makes this whole confusing world of health care finance seem like a breeze. She happily guides clients through the process and tackles big insurance companies to make certain you get the best deal for coverage.

The long answer for how insurance billing works, takes a little bit more time to breakdown. So, let’s start with a little Obstetric Billing 101.

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Pregnancy, Birth Morgan Miller Pregnancy, Birth Morgan Miller

How can I increase my chances of having a successful VBAC?

How can I increase my chances of having a successful VBAC? #askingforafriend

Dear Cautious Candidate,

First off, congratulations on your decision to birth vaginally and avoid a repeat cesarean. Even though you’re still pregnant, or maybe even just considering pregnancy at this point, the decision in itself can feel enormous. Here are 5 tips for having a successful VBAC.

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