Helping people with periods understand their cycles. Unlike apps that compare you to the generalized public, we offer cycle tracking and analysis individualized just to you.
Cycle tracking is so much more than identifying bleeding days and ovulation days. The menstrual cycle can act as vital sign, allowing investigation of greater physical and mental health concerns. At your first 1-hr visit learn how to cycle track beyond FAM (fertility awareness method). Learn methods of monitoring physical and mental sensations that are impacted by cyclic hormone fluctuations.
Apps and algorithms are limited on their individualized analysis capabilities and digital data collection and storage is difficult in a post-Roe age. This is where the Soft Corner midwives really shine. We will review your cycle tracking data, discuss your personal short- and long-term health goals and establish an individualized care plans to meet your needs. Visits take place in trauma-informed practice space. We’re here for affirming and empowering care that emphasizes you being the best expert of your body.
If you’re feeling disconnected from your body signals or health in general, cycle tracking with Soft Corner Midwives can guide you on learning the language your body communicates in and setting you up to define your relationship in with a body-neutral perspective.
Individualized Visits:
Comprehensive Health History Review
Review of Soft Corner Cycle tracking methods
Reviewing cycle data
Establishing health plans and supportive modalities
Discussion of long term family planning if applicable
Areas of Support:
Birth Control
Cognitive Changes
Emotional Changes
Hormone Balancing (Birth Control Recovery)
Irregular Cycles
Medication Intolerance
Metabolic Conditions / Diabetes
Ovarian Cysts
Painful Periods
Pain (Chronic or Acute)
Termination and Loss
Thyroid Imbalance