M i d w i f e r y C a r e P a c k a g e s


Pregnancy Care Package

Curious about pregnancy and birth care with midwives? Find out what comprehensive holistic care can look like.

The Birth Center

A home-like setting offering a water birth tub, family-size bed, and plenty of room to birth however you desire.

Postpartum + Newborn Care Package

Let’s talk about the “afterparty” and how to have a stellar postpartum with your newborn.


A la C a r t e S e r v i c e s


Holistic Gynecology

Annual Visits should be way more than a pap smear! Find out what holistic gynecology with a midwife looks like.

Investigative Cycle Tracking

Cycle tracking and analysis individualized to your greater personal health.


Whatever your story, we’re here to support your journey. Medication abortion delivered to your home.


Need to have labs done? Would you rather be in a comfortable setting than head to crowded lab? We’ve got you covered.


Proudly offering in-house ultrasound with midwives.

IV Fluids

Both in-clinic and in-home IV therapy services.


Preconception Care

Empowering holistic fertility care for those intending to conceive or exploring their conception options.

Insemination Services

Learn more about our in-home intrauterine insemination services.

Pregnancy Confirmation

Come meet the midwives and check in on your pregnancy with an early abdominal ultrasound and labs.

Placenta Prep

Encapsulation, Tinctures, and more…

Pregnancy Loss Care

Early pregnancy loss can effect about one in every four pregnancies. There’s no need to experience your loss alone. Learn more about what happened and ways to check in on your overall health.


Planning a VBAC? Debrief your last birth and learn the best techniques for preparing for a vaginal birth after having had a cesarean birth.